Thursday, March 7, 2013

Getting ready for WPPI

I'm packing my bags getting ready to attend the WPPI convention in Las Vegas at the MGM hotel!
This will be my 3rd trip to WPPI and this time my great assistant/friend Danielle will be coming with me! I'm super excited to be attending and can't wait to listen to all the motivating and educational classes!
As I pack my bags my adorable almost 4yrold brings me our favorite book that we read anytime I go away on a trip. It's called "Mommy always comes home" by Karma Wilson and illustrated by Brooke Dyer.

It's a cute story that starts out with a mama bird flying away to get some food and bring it home, her babies are sad to see her go, but she reminds them that Mama always comes home. The story continues with different animals each having a reason to leave, but always returns. The last pages show a mommy having to leave her little one to go on a trip and she reminds him that he'll have fun while she's away and before you know it mama will come home.
I discovered this book by another photographers blog post in 2008, since then I've been reading it first to my oldest son and now to both boys. It helped my boys know that mommy was coming back from her trip and not to be sad mama was leaving. My husband reads it to the boys every night till I return too. Looking forward to attending WPPI and sharing all the fun I'll have there, but also looking forward to returning home to my sweet boys!

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