Thursday, March 17, 2011

For Japan With Love..

We've all been watching the news and have seen the unbelievable destruction caused by the earthquake and tsunami that ripped through Japan almost a week ago. I have watched several news casts, video clips, and read the articles about the amount of devastation. There have been a few happy stories of families surviving the tsunami and finding each other, but mainly the news is grim and sometimes unbearable to hear. Shocking to believe an entire town of 9,500 are missing.... and now with the nuclear problems and all that cleanup, the Japanese community definatly has a long road ahead of them. Most people are having to take refuge in abandoned schools and buildings with no electricity/heat and limited water and food. I've been wanting to find a way to help Japan and now thanks to Utterly Engaged and Ever Ours I can.
They have created a fundraising page titled that is geared towards raising funds for shelters. They picked ShelterBox as the organization to donate to. ShelterBox provides emergency shelters and lifesaving supplies for families around the world who are affected by disasters. Each large green Shelterbox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, stove, basics tool kit, children's activity pack and other vital items.

Please join us and donate whatever you can to this much needed organization, whatever you donate know that every little bit helps.

I will be participating in Friday March 18th's Bloggers Day of Silence, in memory of the victims of Japan. For more information please visit ForJapanWithLove

Thank you!


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